Week Five: Lead by Example


It's the final week of the Five Pound Makeover and after four weeks of Live Right Now challenges, we should have reached our five pound goal!

To get us there, each week we've been taking a series of food, community and physical activity challenges.

  • In week one, we did a self-assessment and set some realistic goals.
  • Week two, we set the stage by taking challenges that helped us prepare for healthy change.
  • By week three we were focusing on food and getting low-cal.
  • And last week we took action!

For week five we want to celebrate our success and take the next step! From inspirational stories to inviting others to join Live Right Now, we're taking challenges that help us Lead by Example.

According to a study by the Agricultural Research Service dieters who have the help of a support group may experience less stress and less of a brainpower drain than those who go it alone.

Expand your own support network this week by motivating yourself and others to maintain your weight loss and set new goals.

Sunday - Celebrate Your Success
Most people will tell you changing bad habits isn't easy. So when you do accomplish a goal, it's important that you celebrate each milestone along the way.  
Monday - Invite a Friend to Join Live Right Now
You've taken the lead on achieving your goals by signing up for Live Right Now. Motivate others to do the same and invite friends and family to join you on your journey to health.
Tuesday - Pledge to Lose 10 lbs
Accomplished your first weight loss goal? Set another target for yourself and make a new pledge! Invite others to join you in your pledge and motivate each other to reach your goal.
Wednesday - Makeover Your Workplace
Most of us spend the majority of our work day engaged in sedentary behaviour. Prolonged period of sitting can lead to a greater risk of heart disease. This challenge will help you turn your workplace into a healthier environment.
Thursday - Organize a Community Class
Encourage your friends and neighbours to do one healthy activity together each week. Get active together!
Friday - Get Out & Walk With Neighbours
Walking can have many positive affects on your health. Invite your neighbours to join you on your next walk and explore the neighbourhood while getting active!
Saturday - Family Twister Game
Playing Twister can improve a child's motor skills and can lead to improved colour recognition. At the same time, it's a lot of fun to play and a great way to get the family together. 

Start a Facebook group or event to help motivate others and earn points for your community!
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