

Cool Games for Kids: Balloon Ping Pong and Pompom Cups

By Gina Bell, East Coast Mommy

Apr 10, 2014

When it comes to surviving March break, moms need to have a plan, and my plan always includes a few fun indoor activities that we can do on days when the weather keeps us from going outside. So, today I am sharing two simple games the kids can make themselves. They take basic supplies, and they are guaranteed to keep the children entertained long after the crafting is completed.

Let's start with the "Balloon Ping Pong" game. 

Here's how your little ones can make their very own ping pong paddles:

1. Gather your supplies. You'll need: paper plates, crayons, craft sticks, scissors, duct tape, and balloons.

2. Have the kids decorate the paper plates with any design they choose.

3.Tape a craft stick to the back of each paper plate to create paddles.

4. Blow up a balloon, and have the kids hit it back and forth with their paddles. My boys also like to use their paddles to play "keep the balloon in the air".

Next, let's make the "Knock down the Cups" game.

Here's how your little ones can make their own "knock down the cups" game:

1. Gather your supplies. You'll need: Styrofoam cups, an old cereal box, yarn, and scissors.
2. Stack the cups.
3. Make pomspoms to knock down the cups:
a. Cut two circles from a cereal box. (I traced a glass, and mine were about 3 inches wide.)
b. Cut a hole in the middle of each circle. (The hole should be about half the width of the circle).
c. Put the circles together, and wind the yarn around them until they are completely covered.
d. Using a sharp pair of scissors, carefully cut the yarn all the way around the edge.
e. Cut a piece of yarn, and slip it in between the two cardboard circles. Then, tie it tightly around the middle of the pom pom, and secure it with a knot.
f. Remove the cardboard circles, and trim the pompom.

That's it! Cute, right? I hope your children have some fun with these simple games. They were definitely a hit with my three boys. Enjoy your week! 

Article Author Gina Bell
Gina Bell

Read more from Gina here.

Gina Bell is a writer, blogger and mom of three small boys. She has contributed to several blogs and publications including her local paper, Family Fun Magazine and Canadian Living. After ten years living in Toronto, she left her corporate job to return, with her family, to her home on the East Coast. Gina’s blog (East Coast Mommy) is full of tutorials, crafts, holiday fun, party planning, yummy recipes, DIY projects and more. She has a penchant for fun, easy and inexpensive family fun. You can follow Gina’s blog (East Coast Mommy) on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.