

Valentine’s Day Crafts: 3 Adorable Valentine Mailboxes

By Gina Bell, East Coast Mommy

Feb 5, 2014

When I think about Valentine's Day, I can't help remembering the fun I had collecting and sharing Valentines with my friends when I was a little girl. The cards were always delivered to homemade mailboxes, and I had great fun opening them up to discover the sweet messages inside.
Today I am sharing three adorable Valentine mailboxes that you can make with our little ones - a cereal box mailbox, a paper plate mailbox and a paper bag mailbox. 

Cereal Box Mailbox
1. Gather your supplies. You'll need: a cereal box, paper to wrap the box, red cardstock, a head paper fastener, tape, scissors, crayons and stickers.
2. Cover the cereal box in white paper (like you are wrapping a present), but leave the bottom of the box open so that the kids can get the valentines out.
3. Cut a slit in the front of the box using scissors or a craft knife.
4. Cut a flag from red cardstock, and attach it to the side of the box using a head paper fastener.
5. Have the kids decorate the box using the crayons and stickers.

Paper Plate Mailbox
1. Gather your supplies. You'll need: two paper plates, stickers and crayons, a stapler, a hole punch and two pipe cleaners.
2. Fold both paper plates in half.
3. Fit the two plates together to form a heart, and attach the plates together with staples.
4. Have the child use the stickers and crayons to decorate the mailbox.
5. Punch two holes in the sides of the mailbox, and use the pipe cleaners to make a handle.

Paper Bag Mailbox
1. Gather your supplies. You'll need: a paper lunch bag, stickers and crayons, a hole punch, a piece of yarn or ribbon.
2. Have the child decorate a paper lunch bag with crayons and scissors.
3. Fold the top of the bag over, and punch two holes about 5 cm apart.
4. Poke a piece of yarn through the holes, and tie a bow.

That's it! Cute, right? I think they are all super sweet, and I hope you do too.
Happy Valentine's Day! 

Article Author Gina Bell
Gina Bell

Read more from Gina here.

Gina Bell is a writer, blogger and mom of three small boys. She has contributed to several blogs and publications including her local paper, Family Fun Magazine and Canadian Living. After ten years living in Toronto, she left her corporate job to return, with her family, to her home on the East Coast. Gina’s blog (East Coast Mommy) is full of tutorials, crafts, holiday fun, party planning, yummy recipes, DIY projects and more. She has a penchant for fun, easy and inexpensive family fun. You can follow Gina’s blog (East Coast Mommy) on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.