
Four years after her sons death, as Indias university students across the country rise up once more, Radhika Vemula has become a symbol of inspiration and resistance.
During the debate, she first identified the two men seen in the videos as members of the ABVP, saying she was not disowning them, but later backtracked.
JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh called the attack organised through a nexus between varsity security and vandals.
Multiple students said they had locked themselves in their rooms to stay safe during the violence.
Students accused the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, an affiliate of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, of orchestrating a violent attack on the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus.
The student said she saw a group of people wearing masks storming Sabarmati Hostel, and that the mob included women as well.
Students have alleged that the violence was carried out by the ABVP.
In an interview, the director defends his decision to turn an iconic student leader from the 1970s into an action hero. The movie stars Sandeep Madhav and Muskaan Khubchandani.
No case has been filed despite the incident happening in presence of a police constable and college authorities
Singh and others were trying to hold a protest after SP leader Akhilesh Yadav was not given permission to fly to Allahabad to address a meeting.