
Arpita Mukherjee, professor at ICRIER, says China now has an advantage vis--vis India in the 14 markets of RCEP and more bilateral agreements in the region than India.
The East Asian giant is set to be the only G20 country to have a growing economy this year.
The East Asian giant is set to be the only G20 country to have a growing economy this year.
Relations between China and the United States are at their worst in decades over disputes ranging from technology and trade to Hong Kong and the coronavirus.
All passengers to Wuhan had boarded the flight from Delhi with Covid negative reports, Air India said in a statement.
The US Secretary of State said the Chinese Communist Party "is no friend to democracy, the rule of law, transparency".
Experts said two factors helped Taiwan its handling of the pandemic, and a loss in Chinas reputation over its initial response to Covid-19 and the Ladakh standoff.
Trump was justifying his decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord during the final presidential debate.
Chinese media reported that BTS fans in China are angry over RM's comments about the Korean War.
China has reported no new domestically transmitted cases since early August, but it remains on high alert.