climate change

The mounting damage of global warming is a crisis far greater than the deficit.
The fashion industry is a big climate culprit, but social media continues to encourage our unsustainable consumption of disposable clothing.
"People are scared. They are frightened to leave homes, and their daily routines are broken."
New research suggests that we will see deeper shades of blue and green by 2100.
Don't believe any claims that this cold blast means global warming is a hoax.
The US president has previously claimed his "very high levels of intelligence" prevent him from believing in climate change.
Only 19 percent of chief executives say it is a serious risk to their business, a new poll finds.
In countries such as Tunisia, Libya and Yemen, and Syria conflict led to civil war, forcing migration.
Only 19 percent of chief executives say it is a serious risk to their business, a new poll finds.
Climate change will grab headlines in 2019 as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushes legislation, wildlife populations plummet, and ice melts at an alarming rate.