
The Pakistan Telecom Authoritys recent ban on Tinder and Grindr is the latest attempt to control the lives and desires of the countrys young and restless.
National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah has slammed the government, asking how the students will study without 4G.
Only Kashmir's Ganderbal and Jammu's Udhampur districts will continue getting 4G till September end.
CERT-In has also asked Twitter for information on number of users from India who have visited the malicious tweets and links.
Parvez Ahmad Famda is once again dreaming of teaching in a classroom the Covid-19 lockdown forced schools to shut again within two weeks of reopening for the first time since August.
Dear internet, your creativity is on point.
The police said that social media was being "misused" by miscreants in Kashmir to "spread rumours".
The home department said additional 400 internet kiosks will be established in Kashmir division.
Kashmir has now spent 159 days without proper Internet. The Supreme Court has side-stepped the whole point of the petitions to restore services, lawyers said.
The SC verdict did not lift any order but said all restrictive orders, including the internet shutdown, in Jammu and Kashmir have to be published and reviewed within a week.