
We rarely see trans parents like this.
Trans fans who built their lives and identities around the Harry Potter franchise share their stories with HuffPost.
I have been denied the chance to try on clothes at Shopper's Stop, Lifestyle and several other shopping chains, including government emporiums.
Both the Citizenship Amendment Act and Transgender Persons Act make our already precarious lives even more difficult.
The actor faced much ire on social media over the news that she'd be the MC on an HBO Max show about voguing and ballroom culture.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has long been criticised for its lack of queer characters.
In the 30 years since its release, the 1989 Disney classic has grown a following far beyond its intended audience.
In his memoir, Tejuja writes how books, from classics to comics, helped him forget the bullying at school.
The researchers said non-genetic factors - such as environment, upbringing, personality, nurture - are far more significant in influencing a persons choice of sexual partner.