nobel prize

Banerjee said that the banking sector was facing a huge crisis and that the Modi government needed to be more open to criticism.
Sen had won the same award in 1998.
Banerjee, Duflo and Harvard professor Kremer jointly won the 2019 Nobel Economics Prize for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.
Banerjee studied at the University of Calcutta and Jawaharlal Nehru University in India.
They were awarded for studies on poverty.
Abiy's reforms including unbanning political parties, releasing imprisoned journalists and prosecuting officials accused of torture have drawn ecstatic crowds at rallies.
NorwegianNobelCommittee said it hoped the prize will "strengthen Prime Minister Abiy in his important work for peace and reconciliation."
The Muslim member of Bosnias joint presidency Sefik Dzaferovic labelled the decision to award Handke scandalous and shameful.
Margaret Atwood and Haruki Murakami were seen as favourites for this year's prize.
US-born researchers William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza share the prize equally with Britain's Peter Ratcliffe.