sexual violence

Thousands of Bangladeshis, across ages, are protesting on the streets and online after a number of cases of sexual violence over the past two months led to an eruption of rage.
The founder of the movement to end sexual violence is making activism more accessible with her new platform, Me Too Act Too.
This show is the the work of people with dangerous notions about sexual assault.
Jessica Mann entered into a consensual sexual relationship with Harvey Weinstein after he allegedly raped her. Experts tell HuffPost her allegations can still be completely valid.
A new study on teaching middle schoolers about sexual violence and dating abuse yields interesting clues.
A new report, which also includes information about traffic fatalities, could lead more companies to be transparent about sexual violence.
Actor Olivia Munn and women victimized by gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar also spoke about sexual violence during the United Nations General Assembly.
Jair Bolsonaros support for the soccer star could further discourage women in Brazil from reporting abuse.