
Ashley Mansour


Ashley Mansour is a writer and creator of stories for children and young adults. Before embarking on solo authorship, Ashley spent eight years working in brand management, music, advertising, and entertainment. In that time she traveled the world, working in three different countries with big teams, emerging artists, major brands, and interesting start-ups.In mid-2014, Ashley began a yearlong experiment. She overcame her fear of social media, set up an Instagram profile@ashleymwritesand began sharing her own personal writing journey (pitfalls and all) with readers and writers online. She discovered a community of amazing people who cared deeply about reading and booksand about the curious story she was writing that featured a world without both of them. One year later, Ashleys dystopian sci-fi novel for young adults, Blood, Ink & Fire, was complete.Blood, Ink & Fire is a compelling story for anyone who is passionate about literacy and believes in the power of books. A bibliophile at heart, Ashley loves crafting thrilling narratives for young audiences and imagining future worlds where anything is possible. She currently spends her days in Southern California, where she is enjoying being back on home soil and working on her next novel.

September 26, 2016

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