
C. Robert Gibson

Independent journalist published in Guardian, the Washington Post, Al Jazeera America, NPR, and other publications

C. Robert Gibson is a journalist and op-ed columnist with over ten years of experience in print, broadcast, and online media. His work has been published in the Guardian, the Washington Post, NPR, Al Jazeera America, Salon, ThinkProgress, and other sites. As lead investigative reporter for, Gibson was the first reporter to break the news of Detroit's spring 2014 water shutoffs to a nationwide audience. He also broke the news of Baltimore's water shutoffs to a nationwide audience in an April 2015 article for ThinkProgress.

Gibson is an occasional contributor to MSNBC, RT, and SiriusXM radio. He earned his Bachelor's in journalism from Morehead State University in 2009, and is a dedicated Nichiren Buddhist. Follow him on Twitter at @crgibs.

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