
Carol Ruth Weber

Writer, Designer, and Lifestyle Influencer

Carol Ruth Weber is a writer with a quest to spread wisdoms to all of the world. Beginning with a career as a theatrical costume and set designer, Carol segued into the world of interior design and then moved into media relations as a writer. She has become an influencer utilizing her abilities as a wordsmith and communicator. With a constant thirst to learn and thrust herself fully into new endeavors, Carol truly believes in the must to live life to its fullest. Along the way Carol honed her skills as a designer and wordsmith to become a thought provoking correspondent. With extensive experience in design and life, she has given her knowledge to the world through her writing. Carol actively writes on lifestyle including design and decorating, fashion, beauty, as well as reviews and high profile interviews, along with relevant and breaking news items. Known for her head for thoughtful words as much as her head of curls, Carols objective is to write pieces that excite, inspire and stimulate.

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