
Caroline Hart

I use my voice to advocate for human rights, women's rights and women in film, helping to change hearts and minds towards greater inclusion.

Photographer, writer and producer based in Somerset, MA. Originally from England now a permanent resident of the US since 2014. After working in the radio industry for 10 years I started my own business as a portrait photographer so I could balance family and work life based in West Sussex, England. I then had a huge change in direction personally when I came out as a lesbian at the age of 42, met my American wife Laurie and moved my life to the US! Being one half of a bi-national, LGBT couple I had to fight for my human rights to live with my wife, together we fought and won,now I have the impressive title of legal alien. Put it all together and I'm a British, female, bi-national, lesbian, alien or otherwise known as a person. I particularly like to write about human rights, women's rights, travel and film. I am one of the credited writers on a screenplay "HART" which is the true story of me and my wife's fight for marriage equality and is currently in the packaging stage. I believe one persons voice can bring about change but together it is so much stronger.

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August 31, 2017
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