
Cindy Rodriguez

Writer, Editor, Podcaster

Cindy Rodriguez is a multimedia journalist and photographer who has produced content for NBC, CNN, Latina magazine, and most recently,, which she helped to launch. One of her greatest successes was assisting in the launch HuffPosts LatinoVoices in 2011. Two years later, she became the Editor for Latino audiences at CNN, where she was responsible for producing culturally relevant content in English across the network. She has freelanced for Voto Latino, New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan for Latinas, and Eighty magazine covering all things race, culture, food, identity, and politics. Her journalism career has also included public relations for the NFL, event coordination for, and online production for American Express publishing. This Peruvian gogetter from New Jersey is also a runner, avid traveler, and street art photographer, who recently launched and cohosts a podcast called Morado Lens with her childhood friend on embracing your inner bruja, sex, and culture. Tell your friends.

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