
Dr. John DeGarmo

Leading Expert in Parenting and Foster Care

Dr. John DeGarmo Leading expert in Parenting and Foster Care Field.Dr. DeGarmo is the author of several books, including the highly inspirational book Fostering Love: One Foster Parent's Journey, and the foster care children's book A Different Home: A New Foster Childs Story. He is the host of the weekly radio show Parent Factors with Dr. John. Dr. DeGarmo is a consultant, a dynamic speaker, and informative trainer on the foster care system, and travels extensively, meeting with foster parents, child welfare workers, churches, schools, and organizations. He writes regularly for many magazines, and is a regular contributor to several publications and newsletters, both in the United States and in Europe.Dr. DeGarmo is married to Dr. Kelly DeGarmo, who hails from Australia, and the two of them have six children, both biological and adoptive. Dr. DeGarmo and his wife are also currently foster parents to five siblings, bringing their household to eleven children. Dr. DeGarmo has been a foster parent for dozens of children for over a decade now. He has a passion for foster children, and is driven to bring education and insight into general society about all things foster care. You may contact him at, on Facebook at Dr. John DeGarmo, Twitter @drjohndegarmo, or at his website,

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