
Elisa Johnston

Blogger, speaker, and coach at

Elisa Johnston's online home is the Average Advocate, a blog that focuses on coaching average people to make the difference they were born to make in the world. She also is the director and founder of, an annual grassroots fundraiser to help bring freedom to modern slaves since 2012. She started and directed the Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Initiative in the D.C. metro area and also help start and lead a community development program, assisting local schools to address childhood poverty. Elisa began experimenting in advocacy work while finishing her BA in the ambiguous "social sciences," studying the -ologies in the context of culture, global affairs, and social issues. She has been actively juggling Jesus-following, wifeliness, motherhood, non-profit work, and being an advocate for loving others--especially the poor and oppressed--for overt ten years. In 2016 she began her own consulting and coaching business to empower others to change the world.

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