
Flora Lazar

Psychotherapist and progressive activist

Flora Lazar, Ph.D., L.S.W. has spent most of her professional life at the intersection of human services, research, and public policy. She works at Formative Psychological Services in Chicago where she treats adolescents and adults. She is a graduate of the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration and completed a fellowship at Live Oak, a multi-disciplinary group of psychotherapists engaged in trauma-informed, LGBTQ affirmative, multi-systemic, and multicultural practice. Flora is the former public affairs director of Chapin Hall/University of Chicago, one of the world's leading centers of research on child and family policy. With folk music icon and life-long activist Peter Yarrow, she helped launch Operation Respect, a non-profit organization working to address bullying in schools. An historian by training, Dr. Lazar is working on a book about the empirical tradition and the role of the university in American psychoanalytic education. She was the producer of Kings of Pastry, a documentary film about artisanship as seen through competition for France's oldest and most prestigious artisan recognition, the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France. The film screened at festivals around the world, ran in movie theatres in the United States, and kicked off PBS' signature documentary film series POV.

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