
Jack Levison

WJA Power Chair of Old Testament at Southern Methodist University, Perkins School of Theology

Featured in the Huffington Post and on,, and, Jack Levisons writings appeal to a wide popular audience. Eugene Peterson, author of The Message, considers him the most competent scholar and clearest writer on the Holy Spirit that I have known. Jack is also an internationally acclaimed scholar. With a BA from Wheaton College, an MA from Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Christs College and winner of the Fitzpatrick Prize for Theology, and a PhD from Duke University, Jack now holds the W. J. A. Power Chair of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. The author of more than a dozen books, both popular and scholarly, he has received grants from the National Humanities Center, the Lilly Fellows Program, the Louisville Institute, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Rotary Foundation, the International Catacomb Society, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Jack lives in Dallas, with an office down the hall from his wife, Priscilla Pope-Levison, who is an associate dean at Perkins School of Theology. This autumn, both of their children, Chloe and Jeremy, are students at Southern Methodist University.

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