
Jay Haizlip

Founder and senior pastor, The Sanctuary; 'Preacher of La'

Jay Haizlip is the Founder and Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary in Orange County, CA.

Jay was once a professional vertical skateboarder. He was the first skateboarder to ride for Vision Skateboards. Known as Jay Alabamy, he gained respect and celebrity status for his aggressive style in pool skating. He also developed a drug addiction.

His 12-year battle with drugs ended one day when he encountered a man who told him about Jesus. Jay asked Jesus to be Lord of his life and Jay immediately answered the call on his life to minister the gospel.

With over 20 years in leadership and ministry experience, Pastor Jay continues to preach a powerful message of hope, purpose and passion in Christ. He has the gift of making the Bible real and relevant to todays generation. It is his heart and mission to empower people to pursue a deep intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Pastor Jay has appeared on TBNs Praise the Lord, The 700 Club, in James Dobsons Focus on The Family publications, various radio and T.V. news magazine programs, and stars in the UPRISING reality series.

Pastor Jay and Christy reside in Huntington Beach, California with their three children.

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