
Jinny S.Ditzler

Author, 'Your Best Year Yet!' and founder of Best Year Yet

Jinny is the creator of the Best Year Yet system, author of best-selling book Your Best Year Yet, one of the founders of the modern coaching movement, and a regular Huffington Post contributor. While she gets a lot of the credit for being the founder of Best Year Yet, shes the first to say it could never have happened without the rest of the global team, all of whom contributed valuable knowledge, skill and talent to bring the program to its worldwide, top-rated status. Jinny started coaching business leaders and executives 35 years ago, and in the early 1990s her work evolved to include top business teams and organization-wide programs, designed to transform the way people work together to achieve better results and happier companies. Over one million people have used Best Year Yet systm and its partners have worked with such organizations as Zurich Insurance Group, NatWest Bank, Bank of the West USA, Heineken, Pepsico and such nonprofits as The Hunger Project, Wounded Warrior, and the Humane Society ~ as well as smaller businesses, schools, and charities around the world.Jinny is currently writing a new book and coaching people whose intention is to make a positive impact.

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