
Lisa P. Jackson

EPA Administrator

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson leads EPAs efforts to protect the health and environment for all Americans. She and a staff of more than 17,000 professionals are working across the nation to usher in a green economy, address health threats from toxins and pollution, and renew public trust in EPAs work. As administrator, Jackson has pledged to focus on core issues of air and water quality, preventing exposure to toxic contamination in our communities, and reducing greenhouse gases. She has promised that all of EPAs efforts will follow the the best science, adhere to the rule of law, and be implemented with unparalleled transparency.

Jackson is the first African American to serve as EPA administrator. She has made it a priority to focus on vulnerable groups including children, the elderly, and low-income communities that are particularly susceptible to environmental and health threats. In addressing these and other issues, she has promised all stakeholders a place at the decision-making table.

Before becoming EPAs administrator, Jackson served as chief of staff to New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine and commissioner of the states Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Prior to joining DEP, she worked for 16 years as an employee of the U.S. EPA.

Jackson is a summa cum laude graduate of Tulane University and earned a masters degree in chemical engineering from Princeton University. She was born in Pennsylvania and grew up a proud resident of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Jackson now resides in Washington D.C. She is married to Kenny Jackson and is the proud mother of two sons, Marcus and Brian.

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