
Michael Santos

Podcaster / Speaker / Prison Consultant

Michael Santos was arrested at the age of 23, on August 11, 1987. He was a federal prisoner for the next 9,50 days--26 years. During his quarter century of confinement, Michael earned a bachelors degree from Mercer University and a masters degree from Hofstra University. He published numerous books to help readers understand prisons, the people they hold, and strategies to triumph over imprisonment. His book Inside: Life Behind Bars in America (St. Martin's Press) was released in 2006 to critical and academic acclaim, and is now a staple of penology curricula in universities around the country. Michael concluded his obligation to the Bureau of Prisons on August 12, 2013. He taught for a year at San Francisco State University. Now Michael writes, speaks, and teaches others how to master the prison experience. Contact Michael Santos through

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October 9, 2012
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