
Robin Gelburd

President, FAIR Health

Robin Gelburd, JD, is the president of FAIR Health, a national, independent, nonprofit organization with the mission of bringing transparency to healthcare costs and health insurance information. FAIR Health oversees the nations largest collection of healthcare claims data, which includes a repository of over 23 billion billed medical and dental procedures that reflect the claims experience of over 150 million privately insured individuals, and a separately maintained database representing the experience of more than 55 million individuals enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B coverage. Certified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a Qualified Entity, FAIR Health receives all of Medicare Parts A, B and D claims data for use in nationwide transparency efforts. FAIR Health licenses data and data products to businesses, hospitals and healthcare systems, government agencies and researchers. The company also uses its database to power a free, award-winning website that enables consumers to estimate and plan their healthcare expenditures, as well as learn more about healthcare reimbursement. Prior to being recruited as president of FAIR Health, Robin served for eight years as general counsel of a medical research foundation comprising approximately 30 premier academic medical centers, hospitals and research institutions in New York.

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