
Sammie Moshenberg

Sammie Moshenberg is a consultant in Washington, DC.

For more than 30 years, Sammie headed the Washington office of a major national Jewish women's organization, serving as lead lobbyist and organizing grassroots advocacy campaigns around issues including: reproductive justice, judicial nominations, civil rights, child care and work-family issues, and religion-state separation. Since 2014, Sammie has been consulting with progressive non-profits, helping them make social change by building grassroots capacity, engagement, and effectiveness. Since 1995, she has been a volunteer activist in South Africa, where she and her husband have a second home.. During her years in South Africa, she worked as an volunteer aide to a member of Parliament, drafting the new Constitution, and on HIV-AIDS treatment advocacy. Sammie is a founding member of the Tenants and Workers United in Alexandria, VA, and is active in a variety of community issues there.

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