
Sibylla Brodzinsky

Freelance journalist

Sibylla has spent more than 20 years writing about Latin American politics, human rights and social issues. She has worked and lived in Venezuela, Chile, France and the Dominican Republic and currently is based in Colombia as a freelance journalist, writing regularly for The Economist and The Guardian. Her work has also appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, TIME Magazine, World Policy Journal, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, The WorldPost, Americas Quarterly, The Miami Herald, The Houston Chronicle,, USA Today, The London Times, PODER Magazine and on National Public Radio.Sibylla is co-editor, with Max Schoening, of Throwing Stones at the Moon (McSweeney's 2012), a compilation of oral histories from Colombians displaced by violence, part of the Voice of Witness series. She coordinated the production of "The Mafia's Shadow in the Americas," a bilingual multinational investigation on the human rights consequences of organized crime, which was a finalist for the 2013 Daniel Pearl Awards for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting.Sibylla is fully bilingual in English and Spanish and writes in both languages. She is also fluent in French and can mostly make herself understood in Portuguese. She has traveled extensively in Africa, the Indian subcontinent and Asia. Sibylla holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in magazine journalism and political science from Syracuse University and studied international relations at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Internationales in Paris.Sibylla is a member of the Fundacin para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), the Asociacin de Prensa Internacional de Colombia (APIC) and the Frontline Freelance Register.

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