
Simran Jeet Singh

Assistant Professor of Religion at Trinity University and Senior Religion Fellow for the Sikh Coalition

Dr. Simran Jeet Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion at Trinity University. He is the Senior Religion Fellow for the Sikh Coalition, a Truman National Security Fellow for the Truman National Security Project, and a Handa Fellow in Interreligious Communication.Simrans academic expertise focuses on the history of religious communities and literatures in South Asia, and he has taught at Columbia University and Trinity University on Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, and Sikh traditions. His dissertation centers around a text called the Puratan Janamsakhi, which stands as the earliest known account of the founder of the Sikh tradition. Simrans recent scholarship and public engagement examines xenophobia, racial profiling and hate violence in post 9/11 America. His latest scholarly article on this topic is entitled Muslimophobia, Racialization, and Mistaken Identity. Simran is a prolific writer who has contributed over 50 opinion pieces to news outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. He has become a consistent expert for reporters and news outlets across the world, and he frequently offers his perspectives to television, radio, and print media. Simran also speaks regularly on a variety of topics related to diversity, inclusion, civil rights, religion, and hate violence, and his thought leadership extends to a number of audiences, including public venues like the White House and Pentagon and educational institutions like Princeton University and Dartmouth College.Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, Simran is a diehard Spurs fan and avid marathon runner. He currently lives with his wife and daughter in Manhattan, New York, where his wife, Dr. Gunisha Kaur, teaches and works as an anesthesiologist specializing in global health at Weill Cornell Medical College.Simran is fluent in multiple languages, and he holds a PhD from Columbia University, a graduate degree from Harvard University, and an undergraduate degree from Trinity University.

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