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Posted: 2015-09-22T17:59:24Z | Updated: 2015-09-22T17:59:24Z Azealia Banks Calls Flight Attendant Anti-Gay Slur During On-Plane Incident | HuffPost

Azealia Banks Calls Flight Attendant Anti-Gay Slur During On-Plane Incident

The issue ignited over baggage.


Azealia Banks hurled a homophobic slur and various expletives at a Delta Airlines flight attendant after an incident with a fellow passenger aboard a plane from New York City to LAX. 

Video obtained by TMZ taken Monday night shows Banks arguing with the male flight attendant . Apparently when the plane landed at 1 a.m. in Los Angeles, the rapper got into an altercation with another passenger as they were exiting the plane. While arguing with the attendant, she can be heard calling him a "fucking faggot" and demanded he hand over her baggage. 

Banks later tweeted , claiming the passenger had hit her. 

“Ok so I get hit in the face by a man and no one cares. The (sic) only hear what I called the man who was blocking my exit,” she wrote in a since-deleted tweet, screen grabbed by the New York Daily News. “I don't care. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't tolerate b**** a**ness and I don't tolerate men putting their hands on me.”

Banks briefly made her account private, but made the account public again  Tuesday afternoon.

Banks has come under fire for using homophobic slurs  in the past. She defended her use of the word "faggot" during a fight with Perez Hilton last year. 

You can be a straight faggot, you can be a gay faggot. A faggot is anybody that hates women. It’s like, y’all sing along to my words when I’m saying ‘nigga’ and ‘cunt’, but as soon as I call this one white man a faggot the whole world exploded. Listen, I didn’t say all gay men are faggots; I said Perez Hilton is a faggot, so don’t try and bring the rest of the gays down with your faggotry.

On Tuesday afternoon, she shared two tweets seemingly referencing the incident. 

Representatives for Azealia Banks did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Homophobic Tweets By Celebs
Chris Brown (01 of15)
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Exactly how effective Brown's anger management classes are going is questionable, given the series of homophobic, racially-charged tweets he sent out last December after rapper Raz, formerly of the group B2K, set him off. "@razb2k n---a you want attention!" he wrote. "Grow up n----a!!! Dick in da ass lil boy...Tell me this @razb2k!! Why when the money was coming in u won't complaining about getting butplugged! #homothug!!!"Later, Brown wrote, "I'm not homophobic! He's just disrespectful!!!" (credit:Getty)
Roland Martin(02 of15)
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CNN's Martin came under fire from gay rights groups after tweeting that people should "smack the ish out" of male fans of a steamy Super Bowl commercial starring David Beckham.Martin, who has been a longtime analyst for CNN, was actively tweeting throughout the Super Bowl. After an H&M commercial featuring Beckham clad only in his underwear aired , Martin tweeted messages making fun of men who may have liked the ad. He wrote that "real bruhs" would not purchase underwear advertised by Beckham, and that people should "smack the ish out" of a male supporter of the ad. (credit:AP )
Hope Akpan(03 of15)
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The British soccer player found himself in hot water after the following comment appeared on his Twitter account: "Gays all over the tele what's wrong with Britain! Sorry I'm #FullyHomophobic."Akpan quickly apologized and denied sending the tweet himself, saying that someone in his family posted the comment without his knowledge. It was subsequently deleted. (credit:Getty )
Blake Shelton (04 of15)
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No stranger to perceived homophobia, Shelton was heavily criticized after he tweeted , "Re-writing my fav Shania Twain song ... Any man that tries touching my behind he's gonna be a beaten, bleedin', heaving kind of guy."He later apologized for the gaffe via Twitter, noting:
Hey y'all allow me to seriously apologize for the misunderstanding with the whole re-write on the Shania song last night...
It honestly wasn't even meant that way... I now know that their are people out there waiting to jump at everything I say on here or anywhere
But when it comes to gay/lesbian rights or just feelings... I love everybody. So go look for a real villain and leave me out of it!!!
The original lyrics are, "Any man of mine better walk the line/ Better show me a teasin', squeezin', pleasin' kinda time."
(credit:Getty )
Cee Lo Green (05 of15)
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In June, the singer and "The Voice" co-host lashed out on Twitter after a Minnesota music editor gave an episode of the hit series a lackluster review. He tweeted: "I respect your criticism, but be fair! People enjoyed last night! I'm guessing you're gay? And my masculinity offended you? Well f--k you!"As E Online is reporting, Cee Lo attempted an apology on Twitter, writing: "Apologies gay community! What was homophobic about that? I said I was guessing he [was] gay which is fine but its nice to [know] what u think of me." The comment was deleted shortly thereafter. (credit:Getty )
Katy Perry (06 of15)
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Though her pop hits "I Kissed A Girl" and "Ur So Gay" have made her an icon in the gay community, Perry nonetheless was called transphobic when she posted a naked photo of a transgender person (a hairy body with breasts) alongside the caption , "NSFW! I knew those little white last week of the birth control pills would still have an effect on your body! FU." (credit:Getty)
50 Cent (07 of15)
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The rapper was slammed after he tweeted : "Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better." He was also called particularly insensitive when he tweeted: "If you a man and your over 25 and you don't eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol" (credit:AP)
Stephanie Rice (08 of15)
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The triple Olympic swimming gold medalist lost a major sponsorship after she tweeted, 'Suck on that faggots" when Australia's rugby union team, the Wallabies, defeated South Africa's Springboks in 2010. She later apologized, saying, "My comments were thoughtless and careless but I can assure you when I made those comments on Twitter I never intended to offend anybody." (credit:Getty)
The Game (09 of15)
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The Game first offered his take on homosexuality in general in an interview, noting, "Game has a problem with people that are pretending not to be gay and are gay because the number one issue with that is that you could be fooling somebody and you could give them AIDS and they can die and so that in the closet sh*t is real scary." When TMZ wrote up the interview, he reportedly tweeted , "TMZ but look around, shit I be surprised when I see someone who's not GAY. My girl hair stylist is GAY & he kool. @50cent GAY n we was kool." (credit:Getty )
Kristian Phillips(10 of15)
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A tweet by Welsh rugby player Phillips read, "Aaron is the biggest loser I have ever seen, trying to turn it around and make Jay and Louise look bad! #BBUK #Faggot #Gimp #Getalife," allegedly referring to 2011's "Big Brother" winner Aaron Allard-Morgan, who kissed a male contestant on the show, Pink News is reporting . That tweet has since been deleted. (credit:Getty)
Soulja Boy (11 of15)
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Though he later claimed his account had been hacked, Soulja Boy got heat when the following message reportedly appeared on his Twitter : "I'm gonna keep talking sh*t to these white f*ggots until they unlike my page. f**king weirdo stalkers!" (credit:AP)
Antony Golec (12 of15)
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Golec, an Australian soccer player, was slammed as homophobic after he tweeted remarks about a referee. Golec obviously disagreed with Foschini's red card, first tweeting "Ben Williams worst referee ever" before posting "Ben Williams you are gay, biggest homo going around, you gypsy." (credit:Getty)
Jeremy Fuller (13 of15)
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In June, Fuller -- a contract Red Bull racing crewman -- was fired after posting a photo of a gay pride banner on a car in San Francisco with the comment, "This is way [sic] I don't live here!" Though he removed the posts, he was nonetheless terminated from his position. "It was a joke between two friends and it cost me both of my jobs," Fuller said. "I'm not racist and I do not hate gay people. It wasn't intended to be what [it appeared]." (credit:Getty)
Robert Peston (14 of15)
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The BBC's Business Editor Robert Peston is currently fighting homophobia claims , after he posted an article to his Twitter account which read, "The Debt Management Office, has taken a reassuringly long-term approach to managing the UK government's debts - and without its prudence, we might all be in Queer Street or Skid Row by now." Two hours later, in response to the flurry of criticism, Peston wrote, "Some of you seem to think my use of the phrase 'Queer Street' is in some way homophobic. Bonkers." (credit:Getty)
Ian Krol (15 of15)
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The Oakland A's suspended pitching prospect Ian Krol (not pictured) this summer after he posted "a derogatory comment that included a homophobic slur and offensive language," according to The San Francisco Chronicle. The tweet, which has since been deleted, reportedly read : "ASU is a bunch of fake a** f***, get on one knee a **** **, I'm better than you'll ever be..." (credit:Wikimedia Commons)