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Posted: 2014-09-03T22:50:51Z | Updated: 2014-11-03T10:59:01Z How Will Europe's New Foreign Policy Chief Cope With the "Ring of Instability"? | HuffPost

How Will Europe's New Foreign Policy Chief Cope With the "Ring of Instability"?

Europe is surrounded by a ring of instability. With conflicts festering from Ukraine to Iraq to Libya, the perennially elusive question is what Europe stands for. How do its values, interests, and ambitions fit into an increasingly unruly world? The nomination of the new European foreign policy chief last weekend looks like yet another missed opportunity to provide an answer.
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BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - AUGUST 30: New High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Italian Foreign Affairs minister, Federica Mogherini holds a press conference at the European Union summit at the EU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on August 30, 2014. The blocs outgoing foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton is to be replaced by Italy's Mogherini to become the 28-nation bloc's new foreign policy chief for the next five years. (Photo by Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

BERLIN -- Europe is surrounded by a ring of instability. With conflicts festering from Ukraine to Iraq to Libya, the perennially elusive question is what Europe stands for. How do its values, interests, and ambitions fit into an increasingly unruly world? The nomination of the new European foreign policy chief last weekend looks like yet another missed opportunity to provide an answer.

Federica Mogherini, the Italian foreign minister, has been appointed after strenuous opposition by some European governments and a majority of independent observers. The reasons are multiple: the 41-year-old appointee has occupied her current office only since February of this year. That's seen as too little to meet the unusually virulent challenges piling up on the desk of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, as the post is officially called.

Mogherini has also had a hard time confounding critics because of Italy's traditionally close relations with Russia. The range of business ties between the two countries has led Italian officials to adopt a supposedly accommodating stance throughout the deteriorating crisis in Ukraine. Moscow has been quick to pick up on this to divide its European opponents.

"We welcome Italy's understanding that Russia and the EU should strengthen their strategic partnership," Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted a few weeks ago, above a picture of a smiling Mogherini sitting next to Russia's foreign minister.

Perhaps not coincidentally, in the first pronouncement at the European Parliament after her nomination, Mogherini stated bluntly that the EU's strategic partnership with Russia is "clearly over ."

Add to this the irony that in recent years Italy has not exactly shone on the path of fiscal and "moral" rectitude, as some commentators in Europe's north remarked over the weekend, and yet the country has been rewarded with two of the top posts at the EU's economic and political pinnacle (the other being the European Central Bank's presidency, occupied by Mario Draghi).

Regrettably, the recent nomination looks more like the rule than the exception. The current High Representative, Catherine Ashton, had been opposed on grounds very similar to those now being raised about her successor. What is worse, the selection of the EU's foreign policy chief has never been about foreign policy: hardly any discussion of substance has accompanied the selection, which was instead determined by considerations of gender balance and political affiliation.

These are no excuses for having low expectations, but they go to show that the rut is much deeper than personality; it concerns what Europe wants and what it wants the world to see. For that, style and charisma surely matter, but convictions should matter even more. Mogherini is neither a manager nor a diplomat, and she must rely on the qualification that suits her best -- that of a politician (full disclosure: this author first met Mogherini almost a decade ago while collaborating in an Italian general election campaign).

Italy has historically had an important role to play in many of Europe's hottest international dossiers, from the Mediterranean to Iran Mogherini should capitalize on these and select a handful of high-level priorities, where her voice can be distinctive. She will need to listen intently to all the actors that claim a place in European foreign policy, from member states to an ever more assertive European Parliament, to civil society. She should surround herself with advisors who are detached from the surreal bubble of Brussels' technocracy and punditry. And she should forge a narrative that translates in simple, resounding terms the often obscure groundwork carried by the some 6,000 staff employed around the world by the External Action Service, Europe's putative diplomatic corps.

Above all, a policymaker of Mogherini's generation should grasp the inescapable need of attuning foreign policy to the realities of a post-Western world. This is a less orderly, more competitive, unpredictable international environment, where the existing paradigms guiding transition to liberal democracy no longer apply. It is a world where Western living standards, our rule-based society, our way of life, continue to remain a magnet for millions the world over, as the boatloads of desperate migrants landing on Europe's shore remind us every week. But it is also a world where threats in faraway places -- be they terrorism or energy cut-offs -- can, in the blink of an eye, translate in dire consequences for our own citizens.

If there is one lesson from the ongoing upheavals in Europe's periphery, it's that Western foreign policy cannot be conducted in the way it used to be. But if we do nothing, the ring of instability will eventually close in on Europe itself.

2012 Nobel Peace Prize
(01 of08)
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"The stabilizing part played by the European Union has helped to transform a once-torn Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace" Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland.
Caption: Norwegian Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, centre, announces the European Union as the recipients of the 2012 Nobel Peace prize in Oslo, Norway, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo, Heiko Junge / NTB Scanpix Noway)
(02 of08)
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"We must never forget that, at its origins, the European Union brought together nations emerging from the ruins of the devastating Second World War and united them in a project for peace ... The Nobel peace prize council, and in fact the international community, are now sending a very important message to Europe that the European Union is something very precious, that we should cherish it." European Commission President Jose Manuel BarrosoCaption: European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso addresses the media after the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize was given to the EU, at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe) (credit:AP)
(03 of08)
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"Nobel prize for the EU. At a time Brussels and all of Europe is collapsing in misery. What next? An Oscar for Van Rompuy?" Dutch euroskeptic lawmaker Geert Wilders, referring to Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council.Caption: Dutch populist firebrand Geert Wilders scratches his head as he answers questions after exit polls results for the parliamentary elections were announced in The Hague, Netherlands, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Jan-Joseph Stok) (credit:AP)
(04 of08)
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"The EU is an unique project that replaced war with peace, hate with solidarity. Overwhelming emotion for awarding of Nobel prize to EU." Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, on Twitter.Caption: European Parliament President Martin Schulz looks on as he answers to questions during a press conference with Austrian Chancellor unseen) in Vienna, on October 11, 2012. (ALEXANDER KLEIN/AFP/GettyImages) (credit:Getty Images)
(05 of08)
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"If they want to give the prize for preserving the peace in Europe, they should divide it between NATO and the EU. Until the end of the Cold War, it was NATO more than anyone else that kept the peace." former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind.Caption: Conservative politician Sir Malcolm Rifkind speaks to members of the press outside Portcullis House following talks between senior figures from the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives with a bid to forming a coalition Government on May 9, 2010, in London, England. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
(06 of08)
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"I think it's an absolute disgrace. I think it brings the Nobel Prize into total disrepute." Nigel Farage, head of Britain's euroskeptic U.K. Independence Party.Caption: This Wednesday, July 15, 2009, file photo shows British European deputy Nigel Farage as he speaks during a session at the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, eastern France. (AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau) (credit:AP)
(07 of08)
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"The European Union has played a vital role in healing the wounds of history and promoting peace, reconciliation and cooperation across Europe" NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.Caption: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gestures while speaking during a media conference after a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) (credit:AP)
(08 of08)
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"For over 65 years on our continent is at peace. Former enemies are now close partners and friends. Today, Germany is surrounded only by friendly nations." Hermann Groehe, general secretary of German Chancellor Angela's Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party.
Caption: Secretary General of German right-wing party CDU Hermann Grhe delivers a speech during the French right-wing party UMP national council, focused on the party's projects for 2012, and investitures for the 2012 legislative elections, on January 28, 2012, in Paris. (JOHANNA LEGUERRE/AFP/Getty Images)
(credit:Getty Images)