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Posted: 2017-12-15T10:45:18Z | Updated: 2017-12-15T18:50:16Z Trump Benefited From The Chain Migration He Blamed For Attempted New York Terror Attack | HuffPost

Trump Benefited From The Chain Migration He Blamed For Attempted New York Terror Attack

The practice of bringing immigrant families together in the United States likely made the president richer and happier.

President Donald Trump  used the attempted New York terrorist attack this week to renew his call to end “chain migration.” That’s the term immigration restrictionists use to describe allowing U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents to help their family members immigrate to this country. 

The president and his allies insist  without evidence   that this kind of immigration is a threat to the nation because it lets in suspect people. They argue that limiting Americans’ ability to bring in family members will help prevent attacks like Monday’s incident, which was allegedly perpetrated by a legal permanent resident from Bangladesh whose uncle, a U.S. citizen, had sponsored him to come to the U.S. in 2011. (The investigation so far suggests he became radicalized some years later.)

The fact is that Trump, like millions of other Americans, has personally benefited from the same sort of migration he now decries.

If the U.S. didn’t allow immigrants to follow their family members, Trump might have led a poorer and lonelier life. Some of his ancestors might not have come to the U.S. to join family, long the most common form of immigration. His in-laws’ options for joining his wife, herself an immigrant from Slovenia, in the U.S. would have been notably limited. His businesses could not have hired certain talented workers. And the president himself might not have been born in the U.S. at all.

Trump’s ancestors followed family members to the U.S.

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President Donald Trump, who is a beneficiary of "chain migration," delivers a speech on tax reform legislation at the White House in Washington on Dec. 13, 2017.
Carlos Barria/Reuters

Trump backs the RAISE Act , a bill from Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) that would restrict U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents from requesting family-based immigrant visas for anybody but their spouses and minor children. This would make it much harder for them to bring over their adult children, siblings or parents to reunite with them in the U.S.

Trump’s grandfather and mother both followed their siblings to this country. The president’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, left Germany in 1885. His sister had already immigrated to New York and settled in a Manhattan enclave known at the time as Kleindeutschland, or Little Germany. The president’s Scottish-born mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, also followed family to New York, joining two sisters in the city in 1929, according to The New Yorker .

Migrants like Friedrich and Mary Anne didn’t need their family members to sponsor them for immigrant visas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the U.S. had a liberal policy of admitting European settlers. But migrating to join siblings or other relatives, as Trump’s ancestors did, is precisely the phenomenon the president has repeatedly pledged to end.

Trump’s in-laws followed their daughter Melania to the U.S. 

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Donald Trump's mother and grandfather followed their siblings to the U.S., while Melania Trump's parents followed her.
Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

If it becomes law, the RAISE Act could also block Trump’s in-laws from officially immigrating if they have not done so already. According to news reports, first lady Melania Trump ’s parents live at least a significant part of the year in New York, where they reside at Trump Tower. Her sister, Ines Knauss, also lives in New York.

Immigration records are private in the United States. A spokeswoman for the first lady said the office does “not comment on the First Lady’s family in an effort to protect their privacy,” and the White House did not respond to a request for comment on how the president’s ancestors immigrated to the U.S.

David Wildes, an immigration lawyer who currently represents Melania Trump on immigration issues, likewise declined to comment on the status of her immediate relatives.

Assuming the first lady’s parents are still visitors, family reunification wouldn’t be their only option for taking up full-time residence in America. Investing $1 million in this country or sinking $500,000 into an enterprise that creates at least 10 jobs would qualify them for an EB-5 investor visa . If one of them showed “extraordinary ability” in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics, they might qualify for a green card on those merits as Melania Knauss did when she applied to become a legal permanent resident in 2001 to pursue a modeling career. If the first lady’s parents faced persecution in their home country of Slovenia, they might qualify for refugee status.

But the main reason Viktor and Amalija Knavs are living in the United States, according to multiple reports, is to care for their daughter’s child. That’s exactly the logic that drives U.S. immigration law to privilege family reunification. From the day Melania Trump took her oath of citizenship in 2006, she could have petitioned for her parents to immigrate to the United States. Even if she chose not to sponsor her parents for permanent residence, the law affords multiple ways to bring her family here for extended periods.

“It appears that Trump’s own family takes advantage of the immigration system when it suits them,” immigration attorney David Leopold told HuffPost. “And it’s completely hypocritical for Trump to then turn around and blame all immigrants for a horrible attack in New York that occured years after this guy got here.” 

“Chain migration” has helped Trump’s businesses.

The president’s companies have also benefited from the policy he blamed for Monday’s attack. Trump’s modeling and Miss Universe businesses attracted top foreign candidates with the lure that they could also bring relatives to the U.S., according to Wildes, the immigration attorney who represented those two enterprises for more than a decade.

During that time, Wildes said, he processed hundreds of visa applications. More often than not, he said, negotiating green cards or work authorization for the employee’s family members was part of the deal. 

“It’s hard to find talent,” Wildes told HuffPost. “And when they find talent, they generally want to negotiate family members to make sure their lives are more robust and meaningful. … Say we’re soliciting a visa for somebody and that person says, ‘I’m only going to come if you sponsor a visa for myself and green cards for my whole family so I can resettle here.’”

Wildes, a Democrat, called Trump’s comments after Monday’s terrorist attack “well-intended,” but disputed the idea that family-sponsored immigration should be blamed for such crimes.

“We have always appreciated the good cheer and solicitation of talent coming to the United States, including family members of those people so that they would be more motivated to work,” Wildes said. “This whole notion of ‘chain migration’ being negative is a new phenomenon and this vocabulary is emanating from people that are xenophobic and do not have a proud sense of our immigration legacy.”

Elise Foley contributed reporting. 

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Before You Go

How Donald Trump Talks About Undocumented Immigrants
April 2015(01 of11)
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At an event hosted by Texas Patriots PAC: Everythings coming across the border: the illegals, the cars, the whole thing. Its like a big mess. Blah. Its like vomit. (credit:Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
June 2015(02 of11)
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At a speech announcing his campaign: "When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." (credit:Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
August 2015(03 of11)
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On NBC's "Meet the Press": Were going to keep the families together, we have to keep the families together, but they have to go." (credit:Steve Pope/Getty Images)
September 2015(04 of11)
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On CBS's "60 Minutes": Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And theyre going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesnt sound nice. But not everything is nice. (credit:David Jolkovski/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
November 2015(05 of11)
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On MSNBC's "Morning Joe": You are going to have a deportation force, and you are going to do it humanely." (credit:Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
February 2016(06 of11)
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At a GOP primary debate: We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out. They will come back some will come back, the best, through a process. (credit:Scott Olson/Getty Images)
March 2016(07 of11)
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At a press conference when asked if he would consider allowing undocumented immigrants to stay: "We either have a country or we dont. We either have a country or we dont. We have borders or we dont have borders. And at this moment, the answer is absolutely not. (credit:Scott Olson/Getty Images)
April 2016(08 of11)
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At an event hosted by NBC's "Today Show": Theyre going to go, and were going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, OK? But it has to be done legally. ... Theyre going to go, and then come back and come back legally. (credit:Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
July 2016(09 of11)
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At the Republican National Convention: "Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied and every politician who has denied them to listen very closely to the words I am about to say. On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced." (credit:Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
September 2016(10 of11)
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At a rally: Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we dont have a country. (credit:Ralph Freso/Getty Images)
September 2016(11 of11)
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On "The Dr. Oz Show": Well, under my plan the undocumented or, as you would say, illegal immigrant wouldnt be in the country. They only come in the country legally. (credit:Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg via Getty Images)