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Posted: 2018-01-10T21:58:01Z | Updated: 2018-01-10T21:58:01Z Man Surprises Girlfriend By Drawing Them In Different Animation Styles | HuffPost

Man Surprises Girlfriend By Drawing Them In Different Animation Styles

What a colorful Christmas gift.

Kellen Hickey , a 26-year-old who lives in Hudson, Wisconsin, has gift giving down to a fine art.

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Lindsay Brinkman and Kellen Hickey.
Kellen Hickey

He drew himself and his girlfriend Lindsay Brinkman, 24, in 10 different animation styles and gave the illustrations to her on Christmas.

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The Simpsons / Futurama

Hickey told HuffPost that he got the idea a few months ago when he decided to draw the couple as “Futurama” and “Adventure Time” characters and Brinkman absolutely loved them.

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Adventure Time

Her enthusiasm inspired him to draw the two of them in the style of all the cartoons they had bonded over since they began dating in high school.

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"Bob's Burgers"

“I am fortunate enough to have the ability to create something that can represent us and our enjoyment of each one of those shows relatively faithfully,” Hickey told HuffPost.

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"Rick and Morty"

“But I have to admit, the “Dragon Ball Z-style drawing was kind of for me.”

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"Dragon Ball Z"

Hickey says that Brinkman’s response to the gift on Christmas was “everything I could’ve hoped for.”

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Old school black-and-white cartoon style

“As soon as she finished [looking through the drawings she] jump-hugged me and was sure to remind me of how much she loves me for the next hour or so.”

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Modern Disney style

Proud of his work, Hickey posted the drawings on his Instagram account  earlier this week, where they’ve since gotten a lot of attention online.

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"Family Guy"

The couple has framed nine of the photos and have them hanging in their living room. Hickey says Brinkman’s favorite is the “Bob’s Burgers” illustration. The “Dragon Ball Z”-version of the couple is sitting in a frame on Hickey’s work desk.

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"South Park"

“I’m not sure I could ever properly express how much she inspires me,” Hickey told HuffPost.

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"Steven Universe"

“None of this would have happened if it weren’t for her, her support and the love between us,” he said.