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Posted: 2016-09-21T17:53:56Z | Updated: 2016-09-21T17:53:56Z 11 Latinos Nail The Beauty And Pride Of Hispanic Heritage | HuffPost

11 Latinos Nail The Beauty And Pride Of Hispanic Heritage

"Being Latina is not one specific thing, its everything."

The Latino community is incredibly diverse , especially when considering it’s made up of a variety of races and nationalities. But celebrating our differences doesn’t mean we can’t also celebrate what binds us together. 

With that in mind we asked HuffPost Latino Voices readers on Instagram to tell us what makes them proud to be Hispanic  or Latinx , and they responded with beautiful and thoughtful messages of pride and love for their culture. 

Here are just 11 Latinos on what makes them proud of their Hispanic heritage. 

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“This was a part of my morning conversation with my 8-year-old as we walked to school. I am proud of my culture & traditions being able to share and enhance them through out the years through generations to come as our families grow bigger. #Honduras #Punta ” @eda_minerva5

“[Being Hispanic] means flavor....we have this fire and aspirations to be more in life...to break barriers and set no limits ...” @kasperalvarado30

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“Being Latina is not one specific thing, it’s everything. That’s what makes Latinos and Hispanics special.” @g_love1975

“I’m proud to be Latina because I get to celebrate my roots. My ancestors. My vibrant, colorful and beautiful cultura. #latinxpride” @stefnay21

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”There are so many things that make me proud to be Latina. 1. The sense of family and respect from even members you are just meeting for the first time. 2. The sazón, lol, nothing taste as good as Hispanic food (no offence [sic] to other cultures). 3. La música” @yennyflores

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"What makes me proud is my curly hair, tan skin, accent, beautiful culture filled with music and food. Being Latinx is being a part of a collective struggle that we all fight and rise above to become a multicultural powerhouse that kicks ass! ” @cugatron

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Before You Go

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(credit:Courtesy of Museum of New Mexico Press)